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Digital Innovation, Automation & Modernization The Merger of Responsible AI and the User Experience

Our proven determinative artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities are optimized and delivered by Vastly’s innovative digital experience platform that equips users with the ability to securely ingest AI findings and results and seamlessly act on those analytics, with efficiency features designed to expedite and automate the suspect case identity, assignment ownership & actions, track, and communicate activity throughout a case life cycle.

Our proof of concept for Trade-Based Money Laundering, in collaboration with Homeland Security Investigations, confirms the effectiveness of the nForce technology. It provides detailed insights into how we can accelerate the development of use cases, POCs, and production solutions to support your agency’s critical missions and significantly improve case outcomes.

Responsible AI Through Deterministic AI and Machine Learning

Deterministic AI (DAI) and machine learning (ML) are familiar to government agencies as a trusted and responsible approach to analytics. DAI is a proven and preferred analytical method for identifying anomalies in trade and commodity-based data and detecting malicious patterns that identify suspicious activity in many trade-based categories, including fentanyl, trafficking, and money laundering among others. G2Lytics harnesses it’s advanced tools and techniques to quickly identify and expose domestic and international illicit activities, placing specific focus on known data elements such as commodity-based data, weights, dimensions, international pricing only available and productive through convergence of private and public big data sources and G2Lytics analytic techniques. These trends and anomalies follow the patterns of illicit activity and often go undetected without automated analytical methods. 

The challenge to collect, store, secure, and analyze large volumes of data is inherent in our solution. However, with most of these digital assets residing within and across cloud infrastructure, the Vastly G2Lytics solution steps in to eliminate content chaos and elevate your digital touchpoints. Leveraging AI to modernize collaboration, asset management and search processes can help agencies digitize assets, as well as make data findable and searchable, which, in turn, can unearth actionable intelligence, providing a reassuring solution to the increasing complexity of data and case management.

The User Experience (UX): An Information, Inquiry, Activity and Communication Digital UX

Vastly’s user interface (UX) is a major component of Vastly’s digital experience platform (DXP). Our experience has shown a well designed UX plays an equal role and is paramount to the effectiveness and broad-based benefits of an AI solution. The UX invites the development of access control mechanisms for compartmentalized agency-specific data and investigative toolsets. This control will allow agencies administrative oversight over access to their role in the system and the individuals that access them. The system provides for hierarchy and role-based access control in addition to visual displays or dashboards that are configurable depending on the profile of the target, the information or depth of data being requested, and many other elements of inquiry or investigation being sought. A dashboard overview with visual access to charts and descriptive measures, graphing algorithms, and visualization techniques highlight complex relationships within trade data. Every action is designed to be simple and friendly to the user promoting system use and productivity.

Benefits include: 

• Performing various forms of data analysis

• Prioritizing actionable targets

• Detecting transactions

• Analyzing relationships 

All data and systems will comply with federal security requirements such as FISMA and Fed Ramp certification.


ICE Has Limited Ability to Identify and Combat Trade-Based Money Laundering Schemes

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has limited ability to identify and combat commodities imported as part of trade-based money laundering (TBML) schemes.

Press Release – Avenu Insights and G2Lytics

G2Lytics (G2), a leading data science provider to government revenue agencies, announced today that it has entered into a Master…

Cassidy Leads Colleagues to Introduce Resolution Calling on Congress to Combat Illicit Trade, Money Laundering Crimes

U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) led a group of seven bipartisan colleagues to introduce a resolution urging Congress to combat...

Enhanced analytics graph

Enhanced analytics with compelling visuals designed to drive valuable insights into your data. Discover problematic patterns and do a deep dive with G2lytics.

Network analysis graph

Network analysis uncovers hidden relationships between entities. Discover noncompliant activities and obscure relationships.

Enhanced analytics with compelling visuals designed to drive valuable insights into your data. Discover problematic patterns and do a deep dive with G2lytics.


Network analysis uncovers hidden relationships between entities. Discover noncompliant activities and obscure relationships.