About Us
Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence' highlights AI's potential to transform federal operations and enhance financial institutions' AML detection and federal reporting capabilities. G2Lytics, with seven years of expertise in trade and financial fraud detection, brings proven solutions through our proprietary fraud algorithms, big data analytics, and strategic partnerships.
We contribute our experience to eliminate common development delays, accelerating your agency's or institution's analytical capabilities. We rapidly assess technical, compliance, and security requirements to implement targeted anomaly detection solutions. Our teams leverage advanced technologies and streamlined development tools to deliver precise functionality for each use case. Our proven trade-based money laundering (TBML) prototypes and proofs-of-concept demonstrate rapid adaptability to specific agency and institutional needs.

We are proud to showcase our prototypes and proof-of-concepts (POCs) that demonstrate the advanced stage of our solutions. These POCs can be easily and quickly tailored to specific use case requirements, ensuring our commitment to delivering a user experience that provides unparalleled AI and ML analytics to agencies and agents, enabling them to swiftly identify, investigate, and close cases.
We highly value recent federal and state initiatives that recognize and have begun awarding opportunities for private-sector small businesses that can accelerate digital innovation. Our AI, ML, and enhanced user and case management user experience dashboard (UX) were originally developed for detecting trade and fraud-based anomalies, positioning G2Lytics to deliver solutions specific to agencies tasked with National security.
The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) lies in integrating people, processes, and technology, especially in managing digital assets within organizations. The recent executive order from the administration on “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence” underscores the significant potential of AI to aggressively transform digital innovation and automation throughout the federal government.