Category: Posts
G2Lytics’ Ed Braswell on panel at the Georgia Municipal Association
Congress considering legislation to phase in sales taxes for online sales
Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Response to Wayfair v South Dakota
Arkansas’ Revenue to Increase through the Wayfair v South Dakota decision
Nebraska Department of Revenue statement on the Wayfair v South Dakota ruling
Statement from the Nebraska Department of Revenue Regarding the South Dakota v. Wayfair United States Supreme Court Decision JULY 27, 2018 (LINCOLN, NEB.) — On June 21, 2018, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair. The full U.S. Supreme Court opinion may be found […]
Tax Discovery: Sales Tax Cross-Checking
TAX DISCOVERY: SALES TAX CROSS-CHECKING REVIEW OF PHILADELPHILA’S SALES TAX EVADERS DECEMBER 2010 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania imposes a six percent sales tax on the retail sale, consumption, rental or use of tangible property within the state. Every person and business involved with making tax sales must be licensed […]
India Machine Learning Study
Machine Learning Approach for Taxation Analysis using Classification Techniques R.Deepa Lakshmi MPhil Research Scholar PSGR Krishnammal College for women India N.Radha GR Govindarajulu School of Computer Technology PSGR Krishnammal College for women India ABSTRACT Data mining process discovers useful information from the hidden data, which can be used for future […]
Harvard Study–No Taxation without Information
No Taxation without Information Deterrence and Self-Enforcement in the Value Added Tax Dina Pomeranz† Harvard University and NBER October 2014 Abstract Claims that the VAT facilitates tax enforcement by generating paper trails on trans- actions between firms contributed to widespread VAT adoption worldwide, but there is surprisingly little evidence. This […]